Where are we at with COVID and Seasonal Influenza?
COVID‑19 has dramatically reshaped the landscape of global health, as well as the global economy. Further, there has been a dramatic rise of many diseases across the board ever since covid hit. Diseases and/or conditions what were once rare have become common-place, even in children. As RFK Jr. ominously stated “nothing is more profitable than a sick child”[1] . In many locations children were not even allowed to enroll into remote schooling if they were not vaccinated.
It happened in my town. I was in a local herb shop and as I am check-out line, the lady in front of me was talking to the person running the cash register about how her son was not allowed to attend school, even from home if he was not vaccinated. Grades and participation fell. It is estimated that the fallout from this issue alone will cost the U.S. over $15 trillion dollars[2] . Suicides also dramatically, especially among young woman[3] . The Statistics. Have you seen these charts? If we look at the actual statistics on death rates of CoVID, we see that the death rates for children 0-4 was 0.00031%, for the age range of 0-18 was 0.00282%[4][5] – . In 2022 – 1,360 died on bicycles[4][6] . Should the US outlaw bicycles? In 2008, an estimated 234,094 nonfatal bathroom injuries among persons aged ≥15. Should we outlaw bathrooms?[5][7] These statistics would be reflected throughout the world.
One alarming example of rare diseases that appeared is myocarditis[8] , which most people didn’t even know what the term meant until 2020. Once vaccines were mandated the term became stitched into the minds of not only Americas, but the world population. An Oxford study released in February 2025 confirmed covid mRNA shots are the sole cause of the soaring cases of heart failure among children[9] .
Oncologists are noting a concerning increase in reports of extremely aggressive, fast-growing cancers in individuals who have received one or more COVID-19 vaccine doses[10] . It has been terms “turbo cancers”. These cases are appearing in young people, including those under 30 with no family history of cancer, as well as in pregnant women and young children. One researcher noted a 200% increase in young women and girls being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer[11] . What is particularly unusual is that many of these cancers are already at Stage 3 or 4 by the time of diagnosis, even though symptoms appeared only days or weeks prior. The cancers progress so rapidly that some patients die before treatment can be initiated. Many of these cancers appear resistant to conventional therapies, showing little to no response. “I’ve never seen cancer behave like this,” remarked a highly respected oncologist with extensive experience, having diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients over the course of his career[12] .
The most concerning figures, however, relate to the overall deaths and excess deaths among children and young adults following the vaccine rollout. One article by Boston University[13] stated; “By 2023, the death rate remained nearly 20 percent higher than in 2019, and 70 percent higher than it would have been had mortality trends prior to 2011 continued.”[14] The statement was based a study released by the JAMA Network of the American Medical Association[15] .
In 2019, the average U.S. life expectancy was 78.8 years[16] . The last life expectancy by the CDC for the US population was 2021 which was 76.4 years[17] , over a two year decrease in a two-year time frame. That appears to be the life expectancy report the CDC release. However, the CDC did release a “Provisional “ i.e. temporary, report on life expectancy for 2022 claiming life expectancy should increase[18] . After reviewing the charts and data below you may find that claim a bit unsettling. The high levels of excess deaths in the post-vaccine period demand closer scrutiny and further investigation into potential contributing factors[19] .
The most concerning figures, however, relate to the overall deaths and excess deaths among children and young adults following the vaccine rollout. One article by Boston University[20] stated; “By 2023, the death rate remained nearly 20 percent higher than in 2019, and 70 percent higher than it would have been had mortality trends prior to 2011 continued”[21] . The statement was based a study released by the JAMA Network of the American Medical Association[22] .
Time Lines Tell All
Timelines are chronological records or sequences of events that help investigators understand the order and relationship of actions, incidents, or activities related to an event, or a series of events. Timelines are critical tools for organizing information, identifying patterns, and uncovering cause-and-effect relationships. They are used in various fields, including law enforcement, legal proceedings, corporate investigations, and research.
These two charts are generated from readily available from the CDC[23] that was available at the time of the research.
One of the best methods are charts that plots a pattern of events, which can provide the reader with a visual representation of data that reveals trends, relationships, and insights that might not be immediately apparent from raw data alone.
Charts can show the order in which events occurred over time visually, making it easier for a person to recognize patterns and such, like specific events that occur within a specific time frame, which indicate a trend or anomaly. This can identify whether one event influences another or if they occur simultaneously, or within a short time frame of one another indicating a potential connection.
Was any country or group immune to CoVID? In the US, one group stood out, they appeared to be practically immune from it. They did not go into lockdowns, did not vaccinate, wear masks, or social distance, no mandates were issued, or school closed, nothing. Care to guess who the group was?
The Amish. Steve Kirsch is a MIT grad is an American entrepreneur[24] . He has started several successful companies and was one of two independent inventors of the optical mouse. Kirsch has been both a philanthropic supporter of medical research and built/donated one of the largest halls at MIT[25] . Mr. Kirsch discovered that the Amish had 2300% Less Covid Deaths Then the “English” of Lancaster County. Their overall COVID infection fatality rate (IFR) for all ages is .011% and for under 50, their IFR is 0%[256 .
When you combine the two charts together you will notice that influenza practically disappeared during the height of CoVID. Globally, places like Australia saw their flu season practically vanish too.
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeMneujqxhc
[2] https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/10/remote-education-distance-learning-schools-teacher-unions-red-for-ed.html
[3] https://www.nimh.nih.gov/news/science-updates/2024/increases-found-in-preteen-suicide-rate
[4] https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/AGE295223
[5] https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#demographics
[6] https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/home-and-community/safety-topics/bicycle-deaths/#:~:text=Of%20the%201%2C360%20bicyclist%20deaths%20in%202022%2C,over%20eight%20times%20the%20fatalities%20for%20females.
[7] https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6022a1.htm#:~:text=Among%20persons%20aged%2015%2D%2D24%20years%2C%20the%20percentage%20of,15.5%25%20(rate%2079.9).
[8] https://slaynews.com/news/covid-shots-are-sole-cause-of-soaring-child-heart-failure-top-study-confirms/
[9] https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.05.20.24306810v1.full.pdf
[10] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13197079/cancer-epidemic-young-people-america-uk-india-south-africa.html
[11] https://x.com/aigbanegbe/status/1761054582933737714
[12] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccines-turbo-cancers-cola/
[14] https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2025/young-adults-are-dying-earlier-than-expected/
[15] https://jamanetwork.com/
[17] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr023.pdf
[18] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr/vsrr031.pdf
[19] https://data-explorer.oecd.org/vis?tenant=archive&df[ds]=DisseminateArchiveDMZ&df[id]=DF_HEALTH_MORTALITY&df[ag]=OECD&dq=….&lom=LASTNPERIODS&lo=5&to[TIME_PERIOD]=false
[21] https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2025/young-adults-are-dying-earlier-than-expected/
[22] https://jamanetwork.com/
[23] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/weeklyarchives2024-2025/data/NCHSData06.csv
[24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Kirsch
[25] https://whereis.mit.edu/?mapterms=kirsch
[26] https://pa.childrenshealthdefense.org/uncategorized/steve-kirsch-presents-data-that-show-the-amish-had-2300-less-covid-deaths-then-the-english-of-lancaster-county/