Immune Support

Plankton and Their Role in Marine Plasma

Plankton plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem, and its connection to marine plasma is multifaceted. Marine plasma refers to the fluid component of the blood in marine organisms, which includes various salts, minerals, nutrients, and other essential elements necessary for physiological functions. Here’s how plankton is connected to marine plasma:


The Benefits of Deep Sea Water.

The use of deep-sea water by athletes is a relatively recent phenomenon that has gained attention for its potential health and performance benefits. Deep sea water refers to the water found in the deep ocean, typically below 200 meters (656 feet) depth. This water is distinct from surface seawater in terms of temperature, salinity, and


What is “Marine Plasma”?

Marine Plasma, or more specifically Quinton marine Plasma (QMP) is an enriched mineral sea water with trace elements and biologically active substances. The purification procedures of and cold sterilization of QMP ensures that it does loss of its medicinal properties. QMP has been used is successfully in the prevention of numerous disease, improvement in immune


What are Hydrogels?

Hydrogels are three-dimensional networks of hydrophilic polymer chains that have the ability to absorb and retain a significant amount of water. These materials are known for their high-water content and unique physical properties, they have a strong affinity for water, which is called “hydrophilicity”. This property allows hydrogels to absorb and retain large amounts of


PFAS… the New Asbestos/Lead/Tabacco Crisis all Rolled up Into One…

What We Need to Know and How to Solve It. PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances),contamination in the United States has been a growing concern due to its widespread exposure and serious potential health implications[1]. Some of us remember the good-ole days when TV ads where promoting “non-stick-Teflon™” cookware, that was the end-all, be-all to our

Ingredient Concerns

Detoxing your Body

Detoxification from heavy metals requires careful understanding and care. We are all exposed to heavy metals and other types of toxins, such as PFAS, chemicals and microplastics on a daily basis. Heavy metals are found in testing and it only appears to be getting worse.

Immune Support

Chelation Therapy Benefits

Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that involves the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals or minerals from the body. While chelation therapy has been primarily studied and used for treating heavy metal poisoning, studies show it is effective at removing other toxins as a potential benefit for other health conditions. Here are

Immune Support

Zeolite, the Many Types and Their Applications

Zeolites and chelation therapy are two distinct approaches often considered for detoxification purposes, particularly in relation to heavy metals. It’s important to note that while there is scientific research supporting certain specific benefits, the overall efficacy can vary, and individual responses may differ. However, there are many different types of Zeolite, and with each, they

Ingredient Concerns

How to Reduce Food Exposure to PFAS

How to Solve Food PFASs from Cooking: While non-stick cookware was around in the 1960’s, it became very popular in the 80’s. When PFOA, which was used in Teflon cookware until 2013 came under fire. Manufacturers claimed it was burnt off in the manufacturing process, however, studies showed that not to be the case[1].


How to Reduce Air Exposure to PFAS

PFAS are so dangerous, in 2021 the State of Maine outlawed the sale of certain consumer products that contained it, and by 2030[1] no products in Maine will be allowed to contain PFASs unless deemed as “unavoidable”[2]. The ‘unavoidable’ most likely will be industrial applications that fall within specific guidelines, which will be discussed later